Dear Colleagues and Alumni of ETS,
It is with sadness that we yet again announce the passing of a graduate of our seminary. Oksana Grigorieva-Raichynets, a 1994 graduate, passed away on April 11, 2021. Oksana served as the deputy dean for academic affairs at the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary in Kyiv. She served the seminary for the past fourteen years. She influenced thousands of students and leaders during that time.
Oksana attended ETS during the year the seminary was in refugee status, completing her second year while residing in the dormitory in Hodos, Slovenia in the 1991-92 school year. She returned with the seminary admnistration and students to Osijek beginning in the fall of 1992 and completed her degree over the next two years. In addition to her studies, she was engaged in ministry to the refugee camps of the Yugoslav conflict and was also very active in visiting and serving in student ministry to the orphanages of Osijek. Oksana married fellow student Fyodor Raichynets. They served as missionaries to the Baptist church in Tuzla and later relocated to their native Ukraine. Fyodor currently serves as Head of the Department of Theology at UETS.
Oksana’s cheerful spirit, gracious manner, and effective ministry will be missed by all who knew her. She has been a pillar in the administration of the seminary she served, and a faithful member of her church. She will be deeply missed by friends and colleagues. Most in need of our prayers and encouragement are her husband Fyodor, and her adult children Arthur and Lisa. She will be greatly missed by her family and all who knew her. We trust in the grace and mighty power of our Savior Christ Jesus who will by his power transform our lowly and frail bodies to be like his glorious body and even to subject all things to himself (Phil. 3:21).
In the Blessed Hope of Christ's appearing and the future reurrection from the dead,
P. Steven Paulus, D. Min.
Chair, Board of Directors
Evangelical Theological Seminary
Osijek, Croatia