Don't miss the opportunity to study and live in Osijek for free!

The Evangelical Theological Seminary invites candidates to study theology at one of the leading Evangelical theological seminaries in Southeast Europe.

The Seminary is based on biblical teaching and reflects the evangelical understanding of Christianity.

The accredited undergraduate program in theology equips students for services in the church, such as pastors, preachers, religious teachers, evangelists, missionaries, but also for social engagement and public activity. Students explore the Bible in its original languages, learn about church history, Christian doctrines, Christian life and values, and more. These subjects are important for students to apply their knowledge in the church and society. Upon completion of this program, the student acquires the professional title of bachelor of theology (baccalaureus/baccalaurea; bacc. theol.).

The accredited graduate program in theology prepares students to seriously deal with theological ideas. Lectures in historical, biblical and systematic theology at this level enable students to choose a narrower area of ​​specialization, under the supervision of a mentor, that corresponds to a calling or that is important for their community and the society in which they live. Upon completion of this program, the student acquires the professional title of Master of Theology (mag. theol.).

Take the opportunity to study with us!

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In Daruvar, on September 8 and 9, 2023, a meeting of the members of the Assembly of the Protestant Evangelical Council (PEC) was held with the leaders of four associated denominations (the Evangelical Pentecostal Church, the Alliance of Baptist Churches, the Church of God and the Council of Churches of Christ) under the title "Denominations in meeting and togetherness". Twenty pastors and church officials reflected on the current state of churches, the issue and need for revitalization of churches, but also reflected on joint action in the future.

This meeting was also attended by Dr. Dalibor Kraljik, dean of the Evangelical Theological Seminary (ETS), in his capacity as secretary general of the PEC, who contributed to the reflection on the central theme of the revitalization of churches, speaking about the importance and role of theological education in this process, as well as the important role of the ETS as an institution and a place that in the more than 50 years since its establishment has always "produced" pastors and church officials, and which will continue to do so in the future, in partnership with denominations and even closer connection with local churches.

The Evangelical Theological Seminary announces a Call for applications for the mobility of teaching staff within the Erasmus+ program KA131. This call for applications is open from August 22 to September 16, 2022 for mobility in the ac.y. 2022/2023.

This call is published on the official website of VETU:

This year, for the first time, the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek applied to the Call for Proposals for 2022 for the Erasmus+ Program - Key Activity 1 for Higher Education - KA131 mobility projects for students and staff funded by internal policy funds.

Based on the submitted project proposal, VETU was granted funding for all mobility applications.

Therefore, VETU is announcing a call for students to apply for the Erasmus+ mobility program: Erasmus+ forms

VETU's call for administrative and teaching staff to apply to the Erasmus+ mobility program is comming soon!

On behalf of the Founders Board of the Evangelical Theological Seminary (Evanđeosko teološkog veleučilišta (ETV) we welcome Dr. Dalibor Kraljik into the role of Dean (Dekan) of the Seminary. It is with pleasure and anticipation of fruitful cooperation we receive Dr. Kraljik into this role. We are also delighted to receive Judita Kraljik into the position of Professor of Christian Music and Dr. Alexander Apostolovski as Professor of Old Testament.

We also express great appreciation to Dr. Peter Kuzmic for his many years of leading ETS and building it into an effective and recognized institution of higher learning, devoted to training servants of Christ and His church in Central Europe and beyond. With this “change of the guard” we intend to build on past accomplishments and to engage in many more years of effective service to church and society. We look forward to the future together with our many co-workers, past and present, who have contributed time, talent, and treasure to build the purposes of Christ and His kingdom through this institution. We will keep our desire for the success of this transition in our prayers to Almighty God continually.

With gratefulness and a confident hope,

dr. P. Steven Paulus
Chair, Board of Directors


Do you want to know more about our institution and get a feeling how it is to study at ETS?

Our new brochure provides an overview of our study programs, enrollment criteria, life-long learning, institutes and cooperations.

Browse the new edition of the brochure by clicking on: Brochure

We invite you to join us for a special on-line event today, May 18, 2021 (Tuesday) at 16.00 hours where we will present the theological study programs and student life at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, Croatia.

To join us at 16.00 hours, click on the link:

ETS is an internationally recognized institution with accredited study programs in theology established to train pastors, emerging leaders and lay persons in biblical and theological studies within the contexts of church and wider society. Our theological library in Osijek is among the richest in Southeast Europe, and our student dorm has just been fully renovated.

Our lecturer, Julijana Mladenovska-Tešija, conducted a research on the politics of non-violence and the local elections in 2021, together with the Politike nenasilja association from Osijek, and their partner institutions RAND and Miramida. The results were presented on May 12, via Zoom, with the help of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

The next "Care of Creation" Session will take place on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 13:00-14:30 CET.
Everyone is welcome to join freely via Zoom (and prior registration at:

Ed Brown, Director of Care of Creation, US, will share about the world-wide church movement on Caring for Creation, and we will have the opportunity to look closely at the "work" of Creation Care using passages from Genesis 1 and 2 as principles of stewardship.

Dear Colleagues and Alumni of ETS,

It is with sadness that we yet again announce the passing of a graduate of our seminary. Oksana Grigorieva-Raichynets, a 1994 graduate, passed away on April 11, 2021. Oksana served as the deputy dean for academic affairs at the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary in Kyiv. She served the seminary for the past fourteen years. She influenced thousands of students and leaders during that time.

The theological library in Osijek is among the richest in Southeast Europe

A recent new shipment from Boston has made our library richer by 20,000 books. The library now owns 140,000 books, with this contributing collected and sent by Christian Book Distributors.

We invite you to join us for the virtual memorial for our friend, colleague and brother, prof. dr. Corneliu Constantineanu, whose passing shocked, overwhelmed and saddened us.

With this farewell, we want to offer the opportunity to those who had the privilege to know him though our Seminary (over studies and lectures, ODC, CEAMS conferences, etc.) to share their memories, pay tribute, and to give everyone greater insight into the uniqueness of Corneliu.

The memorial will take place on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 4 PM (GMT +1), via Zoom.

Please register via the link ( by Monday to receive a link for the event on Tuesday.

ETS' planned theological integration conference on Christian conversion - “Christian Conversion: Multi-disciplinary, International and Ecumenical Perspectives,” has been postponed due to the ongoing pandemic. New dates have yet to be determined but we hope to host the conference in 2022 as one of the events celebrating ETS' 50th anniversary.

An Israelite, indeed, in whom is no guile (John 1:47 KJV).

It is with sadness that we received news of the death of our good friend and treasured colleague, Corneliu Constantineanu.

He was a faithful friend and co-worker, and a constant supporter of our seminary in Osijek, where he studied, taught, contributed to seminars, served as a dean, and later as a board member.

Corneliu’s heart was to be and to develop others to be “believing and practicing scholars.” This was a watchword with him early in his career as a theologian. He led by example. His faith was important to him and he was not ashamed to allow his faith to motivate and inform his scholarship. He inspired others to do the same.

Corneliu first came into the life of our seminary community as a student at the extension center at Elim Church in Timisoara, where courses were taught in the basement of that large and beautiful church. As a teacher I was immediately impressed by his cheerful spirit and guileless manner. In all the years of service Corneliu maintained a positive spirit and never allowed the normal setbacks and challenges of ministry to dampen his zeal or allow a cynical spirit to take root.

Corneliu loved his family. We can honor our colleague’s memory by praying for and encouraging his beloved wife Iona, and daughters Anna Maria and Carmen as well as his extended family. We can also intentionally pursue the worthy goal to which he devoted his professional life: to inspire and develop believing and practicing scholars who will serve church and society.