After completion of the graduate studies in theology, students:
Know | the field of theology |
Are able | to collect relevant material for discussion and problem-solving |
Apply | theoretical theological knowledge in community life |
Understand | processes of biblical theology versus systemic (dogmatic) theology |
Independently access | the Bible and its findings checked using existing textual comments |
Apply | their theological knowledge to current contemporary social issues, such as ecology, gender and identity, globalization, and to indicate the possibility of progress in the community |
Know | other Christian theologies in their similarities and differences with their own opinions |
Respect | the opinions of others and can enter into dialogue with them |
Know how to | analyze important cultural trends and see the way in which Christianity is under the influence of or in which way it has an impact on society |
Understand | ways of communicating with the media |
Understand | essential Christian relations (such as marriage, family, parenthood) and the trauma that life brings |
Are capable | of adequately reacting to other traumatic situations |
Are able | to communicate information and ideas needed to solve problems in the church and non-church contexts (environments) |
Have skills | essential to continue studies at postgraduate level |
Admission requirements
All candidates who have completed gymnasium or four-year high school can apply for studies. All registered candidates are subject to the classification procedure for selection for enrollment.
Applicants who are candidates for the priesthood in Protestant churches, or want to obtain titles of pastors, preachers, catechists, etc., are given a higher priority in enrollment on the basis of one or two written recommendations by the priest or deacon of his/her local church (parish) if they have crossed the entrance threshold.
Candidates must have completed a professional or undergraduate studies in theology. In the case that a candidate has not completed a professional or undergraduate studies in theology, the specialized graduate program may be enrolled after having passed a series of differential courses which would be assigned by the professional (teaching) board, considering the education achieved to date.
Duration of the program
The program is conducted over the two academic years or over four semesters. Students complete their studies by a defense of their thesis. The program is organized as a full-time (regular) and as a part-time (extension).
Total number of ECTS points
The total number of points is 120 ECTS that student acquires by passing: (1) 7 core courses during the four semesters for 60 ECTS (2) 16 elective courses during four semesters for 40 ECTS (3) writing and defending their thesis – 20 ECTS.
Academic title received upon completion of the studies
Upon completion of the graduate studies in theology, the student acquires the title of Master of Theology, with the shortened abbreviation “mag. theol.” put behind the first and last name.